Social / Communication Skills

What is this?:  Whether it’s written, verbal, or non-verbal, the ability to communicate a message accurately is extremely important. Whether or not the receiver understands what was intended by the speaker will have an effect not only on the conversation but also the relationship. Individuals who have mastered the art of communicating are often able to develop deeper, more meaningful relationships on a personal level. Professionally, they are able to communicate more effectively with both their colleagues and clients.

Things to think about: Are you able to convey your thoughts and feelings effectively? Are you better at writing out your thoughts than speaking them, or vice versa? How comfortable are you with getting up in front of a room and presenting your work? When you are experiencing emotional distress, can you readily describe those feelings to someone else? Think about all the great orators in history who have moved an entire group of people, what do they do right?

Documentation / Proof: Post a presentation you've done for a class, or a video of the last time you gave a toast at a social function. Have you had a traffic ticket dismissed as a result of a written defense you submitted? Post a speech you've written, or admire.

Resources: The King's Speech; The 35 Greatest Speeches in History by Brett & Kate McKayA Listmania! of Communication Books